Thanks for a great 2024 Newport Pride Marching Season!

We are excited to announce the 2025 Newport High School Band Fundraiser & Auction, Hollywood Knights: A Roaring ’20s Affair, on April 26, 2025, from 4 PM to 7 PM. This annual fundraiser is the primary funding source for our children’s high school bands, which include the marching band, concert band, and jazz band. It helps defray costs and ensures every student can access these extraordinary musical opportunities.
To make this event a success, we need your support! We are seeking donated items for the auction—gift cards, themed baskets, event tickets, experiences, or any unique contributions are greatly appreciated. Every donation, big or small, helps enrich our students’ musical journey.
If you’d like to contribute, please contact Ray Nadolny via email at or phone at 425-370-5811. Thank you for being a part of our amazing band community and for your generosity in making this event a success!

Welcome to the Newport High School Band in Bellevue, Washington

The Newport Band Program is made up of hundreds of talented, motivated and energetic high school students. The program has a long running tradition of producing highly refined and gifted performing musicians. Band students at Newport are given the amazing opportunity to play and compete in a variety of quality ensembles, receive excellent instruction, perform in a variety of unique and exciting venues and represent their community all across the country.

Students who participate in our program are automatically inducted into the fantastic Newport Marching Band as well as our grade-level based large ensemble classrooms. In addition, students can audition for our exciting jazz program. What’s more, students have the chance to perform at local events, including school basketball games, assemblies, solo and ensemble festivals, and much more.

For our student athletes, we make it easy to be both athletic and musical, by accommodating practice and game schedules as much as possible to allow for the broadest participation.

Newport Band Parents Association (NBPA) augments the musical opportunities for all band students to increase their knowledge and skills while building harmony and community through shared experiences.



The Newport Jazz Band program is well known regionally, nationally and internationally.

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Newport Bands

The band is made up of Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble.

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Percussion Ensemble

All percussionists (grades 9 through 12) at Newport High School enroll in our Percussion Ensemble.

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Every student receives instruction appropriate for their level

  • More coaches/sectionals
  • Improve individual accountability
  • Consider the need for four different classes

The Wind Ensemble is the premiere concert band, designed to provide members access to advanced repertoire​

  • Peak performance opportunities
  • College-ready musicianship and rehearsals
  • Guest artist/composer/conductor experiences

Provide focused instruction in the areas of jazz ensemble and improvisation

  • Increase coaching, clinics, and guest directors
  • Required sectionals for Jazz 1
  • More organized performance opportunities for combos

Foster a premier Jazz Ensemble in our region

  • Audition for both regional and national festivals


The Friday night experience during football season

 ~ Awesome sounding pep band

 ~ Exciting half-time performances

 ~ Post-game pep rally


More visibility in our community

 ~ Ambassadors of our school

 ~ Parades, local, regional, national, and international

2023-24 Marching Band
The students who attended LNYDP 2020!